Monday, November 16, 2009

Should I go to a dental cleaning with a cold?

I had a bad cold over the weekend, and I think I'm almost over it, but my voice is not all the way back and it's obvious that I've been sick recently. Am I going to offend my dental hygenist by going to my appointment tomorrow with any remaining cold symptoms? Should I call today and cancel?

In general, how sick is to sick to inflict yourself on a dentist or hygenist?

Should I go to a dental cleaning with a cold?
I personally don't think you should go to the dentist when you still have symptoms of the cold. You still don't have your voice back completely and if I were a dentist, I would not want to work on a sick patient and risk getting sick myself. It's no fun to be sick and you should be respectful enough to cancel your appointment and reschedule when you are better and there are no symptoms left!
Reply:No because you don't want to pass it on to the next person. Call and cancel!
Reply:No, call them and they will be glad to reschedule.
Reply:You will be miserable at a cleaning if your nose is either stopped up or running. Your dental hygenist will appreciate you rescheduling so that she doesnt get exposed to your cold cooties.
Reply:no i think you should get checked and if its not as bad as you thought is was than you should go. Hey im only 11 i hope i can hlp u
Reply:Its like going to school with a little cold. Peole do it even if they know they have a risk of giving it to someone. And even if someone gets the cold it won't be that bad. I think you should go.
Reply:No, it's better not to out of courtesy and comfort.

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