Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mercury Poisoning?

My Mom was a dental hygenist for an old dentist in the early l960's. She told me that she used to make mercury fillings and mix them in her hands. Years have passed and now she has numerous health issues. What are some diseases that can be caused by mercury in the blood stream?

Mercury Poisoning?
This site had a great chart of symptoms, and diseases from Mercury
Reply:Hi! Thats a interesting question! In my opinion it might be cause being exposed to Mercury is very harmful! Thats why toddlers and infants are not advisable to use the oral thermometer because of the mercury!
Reply:mercury is indeed poisonous and can cause a lot of health problems. most of the problems caused by mercury compounds are related to the nervous system. you may have heard a saying "mad as a hatter" it came about from hat makers using a mercury compound in their work. mercury poisoning causes loss of hair, impairment of the nervous system and problems related to movement/coordination.

please read about Minamoto disease (just google the term) to learn more about mercury poisoning.

It is possible your Mom suffers from some form of mercury poisoning, blood test and fatty tissue tests designed to assess body mercury burden can be done. since you mentioned the exposure occurred in the 60's these tests may not show anything now. body rids itself of mercury and in 40 years has probably eliminated most of the mercury.

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